Here’s my daily going to work tweet advocating for #ResignKenney #FireKenney #FireShandro #FireNixon

We need 20 UCP MLAs to stand up to Kenney and vote no confidence. Where will we find them?? Through YOUR LETTERS and CALLS.


-unethical leadership campaign including cheating
-using a majority govt to pass omnibus bills containing unethical actions, like being able to tear up contract with MDs unilaterally
-no consultation re selling mountains and our waterheads to foreign companies for
permanently destructive mining of coal
-constant refusal to diversify our economy
-constant mismanagement of public money. How does a govt lose billions and get away with it?
-decreasing funds to those with severe handicaps
-telling people that elderly over 82 aren’t worth
protecting because they’re just going to die anyway
-allowing staff and MLAs to fly over the holidays despite non-necessary reasons then bungling the mgmt of controversy afterwards
-not funding family physicians DURING A PANDEMIC because of an agenda of wanting to move to
two-tier care and making his fundees happy, all the while completely ignoring scientific facts around best ways of caring for patients.
-telling healthcare workers he’s going to fire them once the pandemic is over
-refusing to #extendthecodes
-being the same kind of
crappy planner with nurses and teachers.
-firing a bunch of public lawyers
-basically destroying all that makes living in Alberta enjoyable.
-I’m sure I’ve missed bunches. It seems like there are new things daily.

@jkenney and all of his UCP MLAs are corrupt unethical.
We need them out.

We also need some way of judging common decency and level of literacy (ethics, scientific, logic, social, heck, even political literacy!) for any politician wanting to run for office.
#ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli
#ethicsinpolitics /end
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