An interview in which she defends the act of lying on top of an #autistic kid to calm them down - published on the exact same day that we learned about an autistic teen who died from the use of this exact same technique.

And she describes it as powerful.
"That scene was so important to me, because of all the people staring... I felt compelled to put it in..."

"I just thought that was so powerful, and scary, really scary for the caregiver who has to have those kinds of thoughts."
"I have friends with children on the spectrum, and I know that for all of them their greatest fear is, 'Who will love them when I am gone?'"

"The musician and producer says she made the movie 'for the carers'."
"If they [cinema-goers] watch the movie, it will allow them to touch into their compassion..."
"I just don't think I'll do more movies. This was the only movie I cared enough to make, and it was also the hardest thing I've ever done..."
If this movie helps to normalize the use of a harmful technique that literally kills #autistic and #disabled people...

If this movie will inspire people to not intervene when this kind of thing is happening in public...

Then we need to just chuck the whole thing in the trash.
Can you imagine being Eric Parsa's parents and seeing a clip of this restraint scene from the movie? How traumatic it would be for them? And how traumatic it must be for anyone who has ever been restrained in the midst of a meltdown? It's horrifying.
Erin shared a link to an article (from 2012!) about the harms of restraints. The entire thread (and the rest of Erin's tweets on the subject) is definitely worth reading.
"One-third to one-half of all people killed by police have some sort of disability, according to estimates from a 2016 paper published by the Ruderman Family Foundation, a disability organization."
"We should be in charge of our own stories. But instead our stories are being told by people who think they know us when they really don’t… Sia doesn’t see us as people to represent, she sees us as people to feel sorry for.”
"Music manages to both underestimate #Autistic people and infantilise them."

"It’s especially upsetting when Autistic characters with complex support needs, like Music, are presented as problems to be solved, at any cost."
"Just last year, #Autistic boy Eric Parsa died when sheriff’s deputies allegedly placed him in prone restraint, taking turns sitting on him, for nine minutes. Eric’s 'crime': experiencing a meltdown in public."

"Putting aside the fact that functioning labels are outmoded and offensive (indeed, 'functioning' is rarely static), being nonverbal doesn’t necessarily mean lacking in agency."

#nonspeaking #nonspeakers #IStandWithNonSpeakers
"Perpetuating the notion of a rich –read non-Autistic – fantasy world trapped by the flesh prison of the Autistic body diminishes us all. #Autistic people with complex support needs have value..."

Things we wish someone had also warned her about:

- creating an ableist film that you dub "Rain Man for girls" will upset #autistic people
- when your actor says she's uncomfortable pretending to be autistic, you should listen
- directing a music video is different than a movie
An easy-to-read breakdown of the S*a situation from @autistictic. 👇👇👇
Variety: Sia Adds Warning Label to ‘Music’ Movie, Apologizes to Autism Community on Heels of Golden Globes Nominations
Images of the actual screenshots can be found in this great thread by @ekverstania:
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