There are simply too many people on this app who have fallen too deep into the head canon of the character Dabi. I understand AUs and head canons are fun, but if it begins to get in the way of how you actually view these characters, we begin to have a problem.
The main three points I would like to address today are
1. "Endeavor is at fault for Dabis actions"
2. "Dabi still cares for his family"
3. "Dabi can be atoned just like Endeavor"

Note: Dabi and Endeavor are some of my fav chars. This is not an anti-dabi post.
Let's begin at responsibility, and culpability. Is Endeavor responsible for the actions of his insane, violent son? How far can somebodies history stretch to determine who is to blame for another persons actions?
It is true that Endeavor IS responsible for the outcome of Dabi, but I would not make the claim that Endeavor is responsible for everything Dabi does as a result. Dabi is his own individual, with his own free will, and his own moral agency.
Dabi is a man in his mid 20s. He is completely, and utterly responsible for his own actions. We still find serial killers culpable for their actions no matter how abusive their upbringing. And that's just what Dabi is. A Serial killer who gets absolved of agency by his stans.
My question to any Dabi stan reading this thread. If it were revealed that Endeavor was a victim of child abuse, would it suddenly absolve him of all of his wrong doing? Would it make you indifferent to the moral crimes that he has commit?
To continue, the claim that Dabi still cares for his family is nothing more than head canoning and people outwardly projecting their coffee shop AU or some other ridiculous circumstance. It has no basis in canon.
1. He has a murderous, self destructive contempt for his father. This one is pretty obvious for his entire character, but Endeavor is still part of the family, so I included it anyway.
2. He is completely devoid of empathy for the brother, Natsuo, that he went crying to every day. When he learns that his actions could have led to the death of Natsuo, Dabis regret was that it DIDN'T lead to it, because that would make Endeavor sad.
3. He attempted to engulf his youngest brother, Shoto, in flames. There is a specific panel that is used to show that he has some compassion left for his family.
Allegedly, the original Japanese gives this panel a different message. It supposedly says that Dabi is sincerely glad that Shoto turned out so empathetic, or otherwise not like him. So, stans interpret this as a genuine thoughtful exchange between the two.
But to do this, you have to completely and utterly ignore the context of the scene. Dabi could not care less about Shoto. All he wants to do is incinerate him and see the look on his fathers face as his "doll" turns to ash. To him, family is nothing more than a means to hurt Enji
To the final point, Dabis atonement. I would never want to deny a person the chance to earn atonement for the bad things that they have done, but equating Endeavor's actions to Dabi's actions is... just not quite accurate.
Endeavor's treatment of his family is abhorred. Nobody thinks what he did is okay or excuses his actions, but the two are NOT. MORALLY. EQUIVALENT. Dabi is somebody who admits to murdering 30+ people in cold blood. He let a comrade get killed all to further his own goals.
If you find Endeavors familial abuse equivalent to Dabi's murder, you are misguided. Murder violates another persons will to continually exist, which to me is an ultimate moral wrong, far that above abusing your child.
That's enough of the moral argument, however. Narratively, Dabi DOES NOT WANT TO BE REDEEMED, OR TO ATONE. As I'm sure some of you have seen, Dabi takes heavy influence from Frankensteins monster. Dabis goal will forever be to destroy the 'monsters' that created him.
Whether this be Endeavor, or Hero Society as a whole. Dabi is a self interested murderer who has shown absolutely no positive traits, just the desire to destroy the things that have wronged him. To desire anything else, would make him not Dabi.
thank you for coming to my dabi stan rant
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