Our environment is hurting. Our traditional food webs, that we as Indigenous peoples in Labrador have depended on for millennia, are quickly deteriorating.

We urgently need to act on the imminent threat of climate change.


#nlpoli https://twitter.com/cbcindigenous/status/1351143612885704706
We cannot keep electing the people who continue to shell out massive amounts of money to the oil and gas industry.

It’s not sustainable financially. And it’s not sustainable environmentally.

We need to act now on the climate crisis.

We have to protect our home for the generations to come

Part of that means making hard decisions, transitioning away from fossil fuels

The future is in clean energy. Not outdated oil & gas or green-washed hydro

NL has the lowest wind development, but the highest potential!

It’s clear our province needs to drastically change course.

One important way to do this is to transition away from oil & gas.

Keep this in mind when heading to the polls.

Because the NDP are truly #FightingForYou and for our planet!


You can follow @AmyNormanNL.
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