Offensively, the failure to execute killed the Browns.....the 2 Chubb drops were huge, 1 was opening for a huge gain.

On the 3 down pass to Hunt, interior pressure forced the ball out a tick early, the play was developing.

Folks scream play calling.....I scream execute the play
Landry drops a Mayfield pass that played a it as it is, the Chiefs made some outstanding defensive plays, the Browns missed some assignments.

And yes, the helmet to helmet was a terrible non-call, but the opportunity was there to win this game
Defensively, anyone would have been happy as hell if they could know KC would only put 22 on the board.

Talent and scheme deficient due to injury, etc ....calling for Woods head is an expected reaction, but let's not forget what that side of the ball endured
Sure, the coverage was soft as you know what.....I do agree that some changes need to be made, but we need to understand that while the defense was disappointing, there are significant events that played into the process.......talent procurement is essential
While I don't follow the philosophy as a whole the DC incorporated throughout the season, I also understand 'the why's' ........ One can look at deficiency within the back 7 in pass and a lack of depth and a true interior presence, the Billings loss created a non-fit
You have look at growth, development and the next steps in the equation.....a couple CBs are needed, an additional Safety, as well as depth...... interior DL and EDGE, along with speed/quickness at LB......this is a a natural progression for a team in the cusp
Offensively, let's call it the way it is......this offense has shown the ability to be explosive, but it is also deficient of speed.

A WR of size, speed and quickness is the next step in the process of evolving. This offense did a lot with what they have in the passing game
But, there is another level they can achieve....they are rather over the top challenged, but scheme and QB play helped overcome some of this deficiency.

This type of receiver opens up opportunity and is a must for this offense to continue to develop.
At the end of the day, they got the ball back with 8 minutes left and failed to execute.

With 2 minutes remaining, they had the Chiefs in 3rd and 14.....and failed to execute.

This will haunt and drive them the entire off-season.

As it should
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