Some offline discussions about what has been happening to rape charging rates got me wondering about trends in police recorded rapes (and the impact of changing crime recording practice). Here I look at what has happened at force level in E&W since early 2012/13.

The chart shows police recorded rapes by quarter from Q1/2012-13 to Q1/2020/21. I've used 3-Qtr rolling avgs to smooth the lines a bit, and have *indexed* the data so trends are easily comparable. E.g. 200 = doubled since Q2/2012-13 (avg of Q1, Q2, Q3); 300 = trebled, etc.

Across E&W, the number of rapes recorded by police forces increased 3.7-fold from 16k in 2012/13 to 60k in 2018/19, before a slight fall to 59k in 2019/20. NB in the raw data all but 2 forces ( @ClevelandPolice & @Glos_Police) saw a fall betn Q4/2019-20 & lockdown Q1/2020-21.

To highlight a few of the outliers: @bedspolice, @kent_police, @LincsPolice and @northumbriapol all saw increases peak above 6x the early 2012/13 baseline (Kent and Beds touched 7x).

At the other end, @DC_Police, @metpoliceuk and @NWPolice have seen increases remain below 3x.

To understand these trends one would have to unpick the contribution of changes to: (a) offending rates, (b) rates of reporting to police (of both recent & historical allegations), and (c) police crime recording practices (notably in the context of @HMICFRS scrutiny).

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