We've been fortunate to be part of some great partnerships. Like student orgs @yorkunisu & @GSAYork. Like our fellow @WhiteRoseUC libraries @UoLLibrary & @UniSheffieldLib. Other @UniOfYork depts like @UoYITServices, @UoYBorthwick & @UoYEvents.


We know none of the above (or our many other partners) will be offended when we say, never have we been quite as excited as this before.

Because: we've partnered with @BantshireUni Campus Mascot Of the Year 2020 winner and general York icon Long Boi for a new campaign...
We've spoken to actual Long Boi via Instagram* and he's lent his support and some fabulous pictures - because this very important.


*some colleagues insist it must be a human speaking on behalf of the duck but those people are just cynics and that attitude is SO 2020
The University is tightening up on face-coverings and the need to wear them at all times, and in practice that mostly means in the Library. The wider situation is pretty alarming at the moment, so if we're going to stay open we have to make sure we protect everyone.
If you're coming into our buildings:

- bring your card so you can get in and out (and borrow books if you need to)
- bring your mask and keep it on all the time
- make sure you've got a booking if you're studying

Thanks everybody.
Incidentally what we should have said really is 'face-coverings' - it doesn't specifically have to be a mask.
Thanks Long Boi.
You can follow @UoYLibrary.
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