I spend so much time talking about Giggle in terms of being for females (it is, strictly) & swatting away death threats, yet I rarely focus on what Giggle actually is.

Let me tell you! I know all the info! I created it! 🙋‍♀️ 1/
1st, Giggle is owned & founded by my Mum & I. We are both company directors. I am CEO.

2nd, Giggle is for females age 16+. To ensure it is strictly for adult human females, the software onboarding is monitored by real humans behind the screens. Good ol' fashion human eyes. 2/
When mistakes are made, as can happen, they are actioned by Giggle HQ.

The name "giggle" is the collective noun for a group of girls. It's just fun, the platform is fun. It's also a double entendre because the unique algorithm aids in creating microgroups based on consent. 3/
No sexual harassment when finding roommates. No fees & charges to Giggle. Find a woman you actually want to live with. Be as private as you want/need to be. Use your intuition, not an algorithm or robot, to decide who you want to cohabitate with. 4/
Work with women. Negotiate your own worth. Pay no fees or charges to Giggle - you keep what you earned because you earned it. Proudly promote who you are & what you do. Again, no sexual harassment. 5/
We've provided the platform, you bring the passion. Want to start a grassroots campaign and need volunteers? Need to get a ‘giggle’ together for a protest? Do it here! 6/
Connect with women specifically about religion or philosophy. Whether to form connections with women with the same belief systems as you or learn more about a particular faith, 'Beliefs' provides the space to feel comfortable expressing your ideas & thoughts. 7/
Who doesn’t need a bit of motivation? You can form a local tennis, skateboarding bodybuilding or cycling ‘giggle’ to get endorphins together, or you can connect with women all over the world to motivate each other. 8/
Sometimes the best medicine is connection and conversation. Use Giggle Health to talk privately with women going through the same health issues such as menopause, cancer, osteoporosis, menstruation, pregnancy, diabetes, infertility and more. 9/
Start new years resolutions any time of the year by starting a ‘book giggle’ and get back into reading. Always wanted to try meditation but never had a friend to guide you? Friendships start with a common interest or purpose. 10/
Maybe you need career advice, a new way to navigate a frustrating boss or an exit strategy from an industry. Maybe you want to meet more women in your field, to get help & give help, & be cheerleaders for each other. 11/
Can you ever have enough awesome women in your life? Use Giggle Social to “have lunch with the girls”, "trivia with the girls" or find that special someone to be your One and Only girl in Giggle’s female-only dating category. 12/
Is there any time in life when we don’t need support from other women? There’s nothing like a good pep talk or words of wisdom from a women who has been through it all, or supporting a women who needs to hear that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. 13/
Is there anything better than meeting the locals while traveling?Get travel advice or find travel buddies on the same budget as you so you don’t have to go alone. If you’re wanting to make some extra $$$, rent out a room for a traveller to save some extra $$$. 14/
There are improvements, updates and new features coming to Giggle very soon.

We are so grateful for the support & are committed to continuously building trust with the women on Giggle, so women have a space they are comfortable to be in.

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