£millions are being spent testing a CBT-Model treatment of Medically Unexplained Symptoms eg in Sheffield & PRINCE Trial London. I started a review of the Model Underpinning the Treatment Model (finding major flaws in whole approach) https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/scharr/research/centres/ctru/mss3#Video
I was hoping to continue this review and write up a paper or 2 of my findings, but I've no funding at present to do this work. It costs millions to do these trials v a small amount to actually look at whats being done, theory and evidence. If I could get funding I'd write up.
Yet again: this is the CBT Model of ME-CFS being applied to Unexplained Physical Symptoms. Tell the patient what "we" (drs) think is wrong (nothing physical organic), give you a MMS-MUS diagnosis, stop you asking for appointments, ask you to have CBT to convince you of our model
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