1. Senator @MKomichi my attention has been drawn to your public post below. We have worked together well in the past, so the respect is mutual. However, I have to say it has been much diminished by your conduct last year when you joined in the subversion of the people’s will.
2. The arrogance and pleasure with which you & your chums wielded the axe against fellow MPs & councillors was a most horrendous & disagreeable sight. A man does not urinate on the heads of people & then ask them why they are unhappy with him. It was you who threw stones first.
3. Therefore, Senator, with great respect, you’re not in a position to take the moral high ground as you’re trying to do; playing the humble servant when there’s utter carnage behind you. You should look those people - voters, MPs, councillors - in the eye & at least apologise
4. When you were axing elected representatives, grabbing money due to the MDC Alliance claiming they were yours & imposing losers like Khupe into Parliament, it was you guys who were insulting not only the voters but democracy itself. You were throwing stones, Senator @MKomichi
5. At the time, we tried to appeal to your conscience. We did. But you would hear none of it. You were high on borrowed power. Now your fellow representatives are redundant, voters have no representation while some have charlatans that you imposed. Now you play the meek card?
6. I know you like to quote the scriptures, Senator. When the prodigal son left, squandered his fortune & became desperate it was not the father who went to the son, no. It was the son who returned & apologised. He did not call his father to come join him when he had nothing.
7. I don’t think the lesson is lost on you. The prodigal son does not say, “come here father, let us eat together” when he has nothing in his plate. If you truly believe in what you say, you know where home is. Return if you wish and show respect to the people you disrespected.
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