On the Canada travel matter...

It's sad that many people think they'll need a perfect IELTS score to move to Canada.

This makes them re-write the exam over and over, meanwhile there's an easier route they could use...

A thread.
A guy who moved to Canada recently posted pics and someone asked him what he did and he said "Waec result and God".

A lot of people started feeling he just didn't want to let them in, but actually there's a Visa program that requires mainly waec cert (more points for others)...
Also before I go on, you'd NEED money for all this, cos you won't just go to the Visa office and present your waec and Visa would be given to you 😇🙂.

In fact, you'd need about 1m-1.5m to go about it all. This is mainly because of different fees you'd need to pay for.
So if you don't have close to that amount it's best to work on trying to get there.

Back to it...
It's no news that Canada needs workers, and
With mass migration to urban centres in Canada, their govt seek to get people to smaller towns to fill the available jobs there.
So they decided to open a Visa program that'll attract people who are willing to work in suburbs since most people who move want to stay in urban centres.

The Pay is usually good, you could get jobs around $15-25 an hr, and if you work 8 hours a day. That's at least $600
$600 a week assuming you don't work weekends. And over $2000 a month😊

You're required to do these for 2 years, after which you can apply for permanent residency.

So what do you need to get started

- Willingness to work some jobs or having the necessary skillset that some...
some of these places need.

- IELTS exam ( result is valid for 2years. And reg for the exam is currently 75k.) Having an average score of about 5 in each of the category (quite low when you consider other Visa requirements)

- Police report...
- ECA ( educational credentials assessment) this is used to verify that your degree, certificate or credential are equivalent to a Canadian one.

- Job offer

You can watch this short video that explains more on how to go about this...

You can follow @ezenonso03.
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