The power players behind Trump, the IDU, Cruz, Hawley, Gaetz, Pompeo, Gosar, Wolf, the whole lot, thought they could pull off a coup. Each one for their own greedy reasons. More will be named. They were so sure, they pulled the trigger on the 6th. Thinking it would be done 1/
2/ I said months ago the only reason for such blatant corruption, the total disregard for the law, was because they thought they had a coup in place, would not be held accountable. They all crawled into bed with people that had their own agenda. All wanting power 2/
But for different reasons, they thought using terrorist groups, inside cops, military, they could do it. It back fired. They pulled the trigger on the 6th, instead of creating a coup & ending democracy, they showed America the true ugly, evil under belly of who they are. 3/
Even knowing that they had failed, five people had died, they still tried to over turn the vote of the American people, while the blood had not dried on the floor. Now they know their actions will be under investigation, questions will be asked. They now suddenly want unity. 4/
Their ego, their sense of entitlement backfired, as Trump would say BIGLY. As the world watched & watches, what they have accomplished, has made other countries wake up to the importance of these people words, the deadly effects. 5/
6/ As the FBI start connecting the dots, the FBI is right, many people are going to be shocked. It has been a wake up call Canada now are calling out the Trump like tactics of @erinotoole , we seen first hand what those words, dog whistles create. 7/.
We need to call it out, loudly. as many other countries will now do. It has woken social media, tech companies realise, they played a huge part in creating this threat. Companies are responding. We need to keep the pressure on. Our Democracy depends on it. 8/
What prevented us from watching mass murders live on TV, where a few good people doing the right thing. Elected officials that played into this knew what the death toll could be, they did not care. Never forget that as they call for unity & try to protect Trump & their asses 9/
They thought they were protected from the terrorist.. Like the terrorist in the Senate said, "Cruz would want us to do this. " Yet they hid from the people they invited to risk their lives for their greed. I would like to thank them for their failed attempt, it woke up the world
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