I have finished Cyberpunk and from the game developer perspective, it's evident that they ran out of time, realised they're 50% done and glued together a bunch of disconnected parts of the game made by different teams in absolute panic mode. Let me explain why I think that 1/
Night City is made to be super detailed, but there are parts that are just.... not there. The space center is not accessible and the other part is fenced off with a tall wall + invisible wall to make sure you can't enter. There are other parts like these. 2/
Some questlines just end abruptly without explanation. There's PERSON X. There's a questline to hunt down X, that ends after 2 missions without explanation. Just... no more missions. you find some clues and the game never tells you to do more. 3/
Also, looks as if some story parts were changed without changing the corresponding affected parts. For example, you see the same PERSON X early in the game, he is clearly mentioned being there, and later hunting X down, you are told "Nobody seen X for years" and V says nothing 4/
Also, the first arc of the game is... not really playable, it's just an FMV + one mission I didn't realise at first but now I think I see why. Oh and the "Wake up Samurai" scene? Not in the game at all. 5/
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