The introduction of Proportional Representation could be the most transformative event in UK politics for several generations - it could, potentially, change the political landscape forever.
When people’s votes are all valued and counted equally - so the number of seats won in an election are directly proportional to votes cast, regardless of how or
where you vote - this could lead to the following changes:

1. fair overall representation in Parliament - no bias
2. prevention of single party minority rule

3. more coalition governments ... but less need for unstable coalitions within parties

4. potential realignment of politics - with established parties splitting & new parties forming & able to compete on equal terms
5. empowering voters with maximised choice to make elections truly competitive

6. no wasted votes - so turnout & voter engagement may also be increased

7. disappearance of safe seats & single party fiefdoms

8. no longer any need for tactical voting - could vote positively
9. potentially less negative campaigning to discredit your principal opponents

10. people would also be free to vote differently without fear of “splitting the vote”

11. likelihood of more progressive majorities in Parliament
with more collaborative & inclusive politics
12. less tribalism & more cross-party alliances on specific issues

13. greater diversity of representation & potentially more independents elected too - e.g. STV

14. less polarised & see-saw politics - greater stability & long-termism with more progressive overall outcomes
15. lower risk from political extremism (on balance) - representation potentially increased, but subjected to greater public scrutiny & likely to have less overall influence as no longer any real incentive to infiltrate main parties
16. once votes really do matter & Parliament accurately reflects how people actually voted, could also lead to greater overall trust in the political process and democratic institutions

17. people may also feel more inclined to believe that politics really can make a difference
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