20 years ago today Sarah Campbell died in HMP Styal. She was just 18 years old. The death of Annelise Sanderson in the same prison 26 days ago exposes how little has changed - our questions, analysis and reforms have failed women. http://www.open.ac.uk/researchcentres/herc/blog/demanding-new-agenda-what-must-be-done-stop-women-dying-prison
The pain and power of Sarah’s mum Pauline Campbell always moved me she knew the urgency, the constant danger of death in women’s prisons.
‘Women are sent to prisons that cannot meet their human needs’
(i/v by @allison_eric in 2006, after HO admit liability for Sarah’s death) 2/3
My colleague Kathryn Chadwick and I wrote this short blog in tribute to #sarahcampbell #annelisesanderson #sarahreed #paulinecampbell and all the women surviving and resisting the harms of prison. #SayHerName
**I need to correct my original tweet - it’s 18 years ago today that Sarah died. Apologies for the typo, awake early thinking about significance of today and got the detail wrong. 18th Jan 2003. 18 years, almost two decades.
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