In celebration of my 28th trip around the sun, I‘ve compiled a mega thread of the people on #MarketingTwitter (and beyond) who have helped make my pivot from servicing into strategy possible:
(1/30) @zoescaman showed me the value of having a strategic focus. Through meticulous tracking and analysis, she has become THE authority on the intersections between strategy, fandoms, and entertainment
(2/30) @juliancole gave me the roadmap, framework, and confidence to pursue a career in strategy, made possible through his amazing resources on account planning
(3/30) @v_praveen has been a valuable curator of thought-pieces from the best strategic and creative minds outside Twitter
(4/30) @JuiceboxCA opened my mind to the possibilities of organic social, particularly the potential of owning very specific interests, vibes, or moments through ‘single-purpose social’
(5/30) @andjelicaaa introduced me to the world of aspiration, taste, and what it really takes for brands to reflect and inform culture
(6/30) @markpollard taught me to interrogate the meaning of every word, thought, and emotion – taking nothing for granted in the never-ending search for human insights
(7/30) @ljin18 helped me understand the future of work, and identify + break down how things are bundled together (e.g. Higher Education is a bundle of curriculum, community, network, and credentials)
(8/30) @BinetLes reminded me why all creativity must ultimately be tied back to effectiveness (whether short-term or long-term), and introduced useful metrics such as Share of Search
(9/30) @CarrieRosePR showed me how to “think in headlines” – adding value to the product / brand through creative associations to create angles worthy of press coverage
(10/30) @businessbarista demonstrated how to approach value innovation and product ideation through his excellent 30 essays in 30 days thread:
(11/30) @tomfishburne helped me find the humour in what can otherwise be a very stressful industry to work in
(12/30) @rshotton enabled me to dive deeper into the underlying mechanics and science behind how people make decisions
(13/30) @ProfByron educated me on the principles of brand growth – and why all assumptions, however intuitive, must be rigorously tested and validated
(14/30) @TheCoolestCool reminded me that my job doesn’t stop when I hit publish. “Create once, distribute forever”
(15/30) @Julian taught me how to learn new skills (uncover principles, question assumptions, gain practical experience), and how to express those learnings through good writing
(16/30) @jackbutcher introduced me to news ways of thinking about products, value, and scale
(17/30) @theChrisDo helped me get over my imposter syndrome. It’s not about me pretending to be an expert; it’s about sharing what I know to help others
(18/30) @tom_hirst armed me with the tools and mindset I needed to survive as a freelancer in-between jobs
(19/30) @unclebernbach taught me to respect my elders
(20/30) @maro254 shared his passion of game design, and a reminder that every component needs to contribute to the emotional response I’m trying to create. "No scene is worth a movie, no line is worth a scene"
(21/30) @TheVTran provided me with great insights on how to manage and nurture a passionate online community - with kindness, empathy, and personality
(22/30) @ryandeiss encouraged me to "fall in love with my customers" and seek to build something of value for them. An attitude I have tried to adopt ever since
(23/30) @davetrott reassured me that I don’t always need to have all the answers. It’s okay to say “I don’t know”
(24/30) @TaylorLorenz gave me well-researched insights into the weird and wonderful ways people are using the internet
(25/30) @blairenns instructed me on how to value myself beyond my hourly rate, how to develop an expertise, and how to win clients without pitching
(26/30) @web helped me understand how markets and commerce have evolved throughout history – and how that understanding helps us predict what’s coming next
You can follow @nowlearningfrom.
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