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There are a few ways to make a killing in this crypto market, an intro to my story:

The majority of us are not good enough day traders to make consistent profit. The statement of only 5% of traders being profitable is definitely true.
When I look at the market and how I found my success, a lot of it came from discipline.

I started out with literally nothing. Scared to invest, buying $ETH at the start of 2017 and watching it run, getting worried at the pullbacks.

I was the definition of a normie.
Eventually, I got a little more comfortable and listened to some shilling and bought $LINK in Nov 2017. Still worried, still not allocating a ton of capital, trying to keep my risk minimal.

It is rough being new in these markets, but discipline goes a long way.
2017 was a nice lesson. I bought a few tops like $ICX at $9, got rugged from a McCaffe “coin of the day,” and thought I could trade cycles perfectly.

I lost everything, but instead of selling, I positioned everything into $LINK and waited.

To the main point:
1. If you aren’t good enough to trade using TA, do research. Understand the market, the macro environment, read white papers, try to think analytically.

If you find a project you think solves a problem and could be executed, hold and wait.
During these bull market cycles, almost everything pumps at some point. A lot of Twitter accounts spoon feed great projects, but some are just sponsored posts. Always do your own research.

If you want short term profits, don’t be greedy. Take profits when the market is greedy.
If you think the project has solid fundamentals for the long-term. Buy it and just sit on the bag. Most great investments, if the project succeeds, will see major returns over a 5-10 year period.

Simply, this can bring amazing dividends and all you have to do is be patient.
2. Finding a market edge

This is tougher and usually is a zero-sum game. There a few instances I’ve found ways to make small fortunes with little capital in a few weeks span.

If you find something in the market that you have an advantage over other participants, take it.
This doesn’t mean be unethical, but use your strengths to your advantage.

For example, back during the $OCEAN market days, I came out in profit. I quickly learned a new investment environment, found the edge, and used it til the liquidity and volume slowed down.
If you are early, before the majority, you have an edge. Using uniswap this Summer before the majority, was an edge.

Once everyone finds an environment to make money, they flock. The early participants make a killing til liquidity is depleted, then the market settles.
This is a classic example of a cycle. Everything has its cycle. If you can read the cycle and understand the part of the market micro environments are in, that’s a huge edge in itself.

A lot of making money here is learning, losing, and adjusting.
I rarely day trade because I don’t have an edge and I’m a fish compared to these sharks.

My edge is cycling profits as the market adjusts through phases. I’m not perfect, but I am consistently profitable.
I know this was a long thread, kind of a ramble, but it helps to understand how I view the markets and there isn’t a catch all to make money.

You have to figure out what’s best for you and how your strengths can be used. This usually is a process of loss before gain.
I hope this small analysis helps some of you. If you have any other suggestions, throw them into the comments.
You can follow @ScruFFuR.
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