I truly hate the title of this article and get so mad whenever it pops up in my feed. Even if everyone could afford to get their groceries delivered, there just isn’t the infrastructure to support it. Yes! Lots of people are still going to the grocery store! Because they have to!
I am just so furious that “solutions” to the pandemic continue to involve downloading extra financial and other burdens onto individual citizens instead of holding governments accountable. “Everyone should get their groceries delivered” is shitty advice because it’s impossible
I understand that the argument is that if there were only dedicated instacart employees in grocery stores, that would cut down on traffic and thus risk, but that’s an untested theory and, again, the infrastructure just does not exist to support every customer
I am in favour of delivery or curbside pickup where available but woof the scolding tone of this makes me so upset. Especially when a lot of my disabled/high risk friends have been struggling for 10+ months to get slots for these services. Because they’re limited!!
Like, we’re ten months into this global pandemic, are we really fucking scolding people for buying food for their families? For shocking headline clicks? If the message is “try to make in-person shopping trips as brief as possible,” is there not a better way to communicate that?
Sorry for the rant. The smugness of “still going to the grocery store??? probably time to stop!” pushes my buttons. Most of us are doing the best we can. We’re worn down, we’ve lost income, it’s hard right now. Stuff like this is the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back
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