If you want to understand headlines like these—which will become increasingly frequent—you have to get up to date on your Theory
Within a CRT paradigm, “whiteness” is only tangentially related to skin color. It’s more of a euphemism for political capital. POC’a can be “whitened” by protecting, generating, & garnering this capital for themselves
If you haven’t already, you really must read Cheryl Harris’ seminal, “Whiteness as Property” https://sph.umd.edu/sites/default/files/files/Harris_Whiteness%20as%20Property_106HarvLRev-1.pdf
One alleged (CRT) explanation for POC engagement in whiteness (besides internalize oppression) is this 👇the ability to evade racial conversations via hegemonic myths/narratives/norms, etc
In response to a comment re whether this piece of CRT is being applied to Latinos. The answer is (predictably), yes. https://twitter.com/tlloydcline/status/1351210129513975814
A funny but good demonstration of how this can be seemingly infinitely applied. It’s about power dynamics vis a vis systems of domination: https://twitter.com/conceptualjames/status/1351186438897999873
You can follow @tlloydcline.
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