⚡️thread: how i lost 10kg in 2 weeks (22lbs)
first and foremost, i’d like to thank everyone for all the kind comments left on my original tweet & all the follows. i’m still trying to follow everyone back! also, i’d like to address all the questions and statements i’ve seen
i am NOT obese. & even if i were, there is nothing wrong with that. i am 5’9/5’10 and in the normal range for my height. i’ve always lost and gained weight fairly quickly regardless if it was done healthily or unhealthily.
i’d also like to add, everyone is different so please do not fret if you don’t lose as much as i did!!
last part of the preface; i am NOT pro-ana at all. i simply do what works for me. please be safe, i am not promoting ANYTHING! this is edtwt after all. i should not be afraid to express myself & neither should all of you. now onto how i lost the weight:
🪆i started off with a “reset” so i could get optimal results. i didn’t exercise or restrict for a week, i just maintained the weight i was at by eating (well trying to eat) 1000-1500 calories daily
🪆after the week, i took my measurements & weighed myself & wrote it down in my notes. i kept track of my caloric intake with myfitnesspal and the calorie calendar pinned on my page
🪆i drank a cup of lemon green tea whenever i woke up and i made sure to drink at least 32oz (two water bottles) of water so i was sure i wasn’t only losing water weight. after like an hour of being awake, i would exercise for 30-60 minutes
🪆the days that i didn’t have the energy to exercise, i would just do these bed exercises. (i’m not sure where i got this from, sorry!)
🪆i would NOT recommend this part, but it is what i did. i would keep my calories under 500/600 for most days & then eat above that 1-2 days a week in order to give my metabolism a boost. here is the january calendar template btw!
🪆 for the main exercises i did and the foods & such i avoided, i got them from my old nutritionists book. i’d honestly say this is what helped me the most w my weight loss bc my problem lies in binging & finding exercises. i would post more ss but i’m scared i’ll get sued lol.
🪆i don’t think i really did anything special with my eating besides low restriction & organic food. i feel like i’m missing stuff but my mind has gone blank. if you guys have questions pls comment & i’ll answer!! i hope this helped 💕
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