I'm stealing this idea from @AmyImhoff1701 and posting 17+01 awesome #StarTrek con memories for #1701Day
#1 The moment Patrick Stewart walked out on stage at STLV 2018 and announced that Jean-Luc Picard was returning to the screen. #1701Day #17Plus01For1701
#2. Walking the halls of the Enterprise at @startrektour in 2018 when I was in upstate NY for Northeast Trek Con. #1701Day #17Plus01For1701
#3. Getting this photo with the late René Auberjonois at STLV 2017. This was in the morning of the first day of my first STLV. I was practically euphoric, and I think it really shows in this photo. #1701Day #17Plus01For1701
The Joystick Riker photo from Continuing Voyage NJ in 2017. Frakes spent about 15 seconds staring intently at my cheap Riker wig right before this was taken, causing me to crack up. My expression is weird, but I wouldn't change it for the world. #1701Day #17Plus01For1701
#4. The DS9 Documentary private meet and greet at STLV 2017. Backing the documentary at a level that got me tickets to STLV and to this meet and greet is what started it all, and meeting Terry Farrell was like a dream come true. #1701Day #17Plus01For1701
#5. @BatlethBabe was one of the first convention friends I made, and seeing them is one of the reasons I always look forward to STLV. It was also really cool to get this photo of Mary Wiseman with them. #1701Day #17Plus01For1701
#6. @ListeningToFilm and I first met in person was at STLV 2018, and we had such a good time that we ended up being roommates the next year. I can't think of anyone I would have rather shared these photo ops with. #1701Day #17Plus01For1701
#7. My podcasting partner from @DeltaFlyerPod, @gamicus, and I went to Treklanta 2018 together where we met the original Delta Flyer himself, Robbie McNeill. #1701Day #17Plus01For1701
#8. For STLV 2019, I made my first baby steps into sewing my own cosplay. I took a cheap knockoff monster maroon, modified the jacket, and made the undershirt from a pattern. #1701Day #17Plus01For1701
#9. STLV 2019 was also my first time wearing makeup for cosplay. Thanks to @LariaHoD for turning me into a respectable Trill! #1701Day #17Plus01For1701
#10. I can't find a Star Trek-related photo with @alexandertperry, but I greatly enjoy spending time with him at conventions of all kinds. #1701Day #17Plus01For1701
#11. You ever hang out with someone at a con who becomes one of your best friends almost immediately, so you go and get lots of photos with Star Trek actors together? If you haven't, I recommend it. That's what happened with me and @MorganBinnix. #1701Day #17Plus01For1701
#12. That time at STLV 2017 when we got together for a group DS9 cosplay photo, and Ira Steven Behr joined us. #1701Day #17Plus01For1701
Getting together with fellow crew members of the USS Hathaway (A Star Trek Adventures campaign for @TrekGeeks Game Night) at STLV 2019. #1701Day #17Plus01For1701
Getting Mary Chieffo to sign a photo of L'Rell, my #ChancellorCat at Farpoint 2020. (Also pictured: @MorganBinnix, @starklyjd, and @firstcontact77) #1701Day #17Plus01For1701
#15. Hanging out with @EnterpriseExtra is a high point of STLV. (Seen here about to shoot me with a laser pistol for the crime of excessive nitpicking.) #1701Day #17Plus01For1701
#16. Star Trek the Cruise 2020 was an incredible experience, made all the more special by spending time with the 5:30 Dinner crew including @spaltor, @KarenRobersn, @KeeKeeSage_1, @SarahTee107, @JessiBinnix, and @MorganBinnix, and my good friend Steve. #1701Day #17Plus01For1701
#17. I had a wonderful time at Great Philly Comic Con 2019 with @eatatquarks, who was wearing a fantastic Star Trek deep cut cosplay of a London Kings jersey. #1701Day #17Plus01For1701
#17+01. I'll use this final tweet in the thread to say that there are many awesome people I haven't mentioned, and please don't think I value you any less because I didn't call you out by name. If we had fun together, then you mean something to me. #1701Day #17Plus01Fo11701
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