I’m getting a lot of questions about all the recent news surrounding COVID-19. Here’s a FAQ that I hope helps!

DISCLAIMER: Expertise: 18 yrs bio research, PhD in biology. Not legal medical advice, only provided as an unpaid science communication service. #scicomm
“Is this new strain more transmissible?”
No. It’s more likely to result in an infection if you’re exposed. Imagine breaking into a house. Initial strain would smash a window to get in. The new one has lockpicks. It gets in more easily.
Viruses mutate over time to adapt: THIS IS EXPECTED and not a sign of bioengineering or anything sinister. It is the nature of viruses.
“Will the current vaccines protect me from this strain?”

YES. Both Pfizer and Moderna are mRNA vaccines. RNA is a messenger, tells immune cells what kind of defense proteins to make, what invader to recognize. Spike proteins are the same; your body will respond the same way.
“What are ‘resistant’ COVID strains, is that from people not getting the second dose?”

First, no. Folks confuse this with drug-resistant infection, which happens when you don’t take all your antibiotics and the bacteria comes back as something that doesn’t respond to the drug.
Second, there is a strain that has been shown to be resistant to antibody therapies, but not to the vaccine. Basically, if you get it, it’s harder to treat, but if you have the vaccine, you are not any more likely to contract the disease. So get the vaccine when you can.
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