Last year was incredibly rough on me. Emotionally, I was at an absolute low. Physically, I lost ~25lbs FAST. And ultimately I was dropping the ball left and right.

I wanted to share a few things that worked really well for me in case anyone else finds themselves in a dark spot.
• Therapy

It feels like every day this becomes more normalized - thank god. Every week I have someone who checks in with me, makes sure I'm on track, and helps me tackle challenges that are intimately personal to myself.

I use @SonderMind which is excellent right now.
• Eating right

This is something I have -always- struggled with. It wasn't uncommon for me to fuel two days with a single blueberry Poptart™ (best flavor, don't @ me)

There were always "more important" things to do, and that just frankly is an excuse and not reality for me.
• Assertion

Historically, I have never been good at communicating what I -need- out of a relationship, engagement, etc.

I'm not fully there yet, but every time I've been forthright with expectations it has been met with nothing but understanding. An important realization.
• Make time for yourself

There was a large span of time where I woke up, worked, built side projects, ignored my health, and went to bed.

Currently I'm learning guitar, chess, and currently rolling through the entire @SeinfeldTV catalog. Some nights, I do absolutely nothing.
• Self compassion

I'm still far from where I'd like to be, but I'm leagues ahead of where I was over the last few years. Being hard on myself wasn't serving me and just reminding myself to be compassionate has helped a ton.
This is not meant to be a "woe is me" thread or an exhaustive list of my personal tribulations.

I just hope it might inspire anyone else who may be struggling with similar issues. Thanks for reading :)
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