I see and in the past, have been part of, the segment of the left who have adopted the: “you’re not as left as me/you don’t have the right issue stance/you identify as the wrong kinda leftist, so you’re cancelled”

...but my loves, that doesn’t grow our movements
Our role as organizers is to bring people into our movements, not shame them out
Every day someone will have a different opinion, line, worldview. The point is to organize, to LISTEN, so you find out what’s important to them...and then match that to y/our movement’s aims.
If we only talk to the tiny population that is “as left,” then we are just talking to one another... not building a mass or broad movement. If we only talk to one another, we stay small and we don’t take power
I totally get it. We’ve been oppressed, repressed, harmed. We need community. Our comrades will provide that. But if we want to build a mass movement, we have to go beyond our personal networks. It will be uncomfy/angering/disappointing.

We still have to do it.
Many people will disagree with us. If that wasn’t the case, we would’ve won already. People will scoff/reject/deny us. We will only know after we ask.

We will *never* know if we turn people away from our movements before they even had a chance to see if they could join
Our movement(s) for justice are not and should not be treated as exclusive clubs
I hope one day I can gain the kind of self-awareness and emotional maturity to make me a truly great organizer. In the meantime, I’ll just keep reminding myself that i’m here to grow our movement, not to (self-)sabotage it by turning folks away

What’s a movement without people?
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