Regarding the Bali thread (now deleted) that is taking Twitter by storm:
First of all encouraging people to skirt immigration rules to get around travel bans during a pandemic is obviously wrong.

But wait...there's more: (1/7)
Not paying taxes in your new country is wrong. Indonesian law requires you to pay taxes on your worldwide income after 183 days of residency. There are issues with difficult procedures for doing this, but that's another thread. (2/7)
The same market forces that priced her out of renting in her own country, she inflicts on locals here. Worse, she's encouraging others to do the same. For her own profit (ie. selling an e-book). (3/7)
Hopefully, she can see that while she is oppressed in her country, she is doing the same here. You can even without ever intending to. Maybe this will help her better understand race relations in her own country. (4/7)
Blame need also be placed on those who promoted tourism growth to the detriment of all others. That tourism is a fickle source of income is a lesson that has not been learned, despite Agung eruption, Lombok earthquakes, and now Covid. (5/7)
That said, we believe free movement between countries, digital nomads/remote working, are the way of the future, and overall a net benefit for the local economy. To that end, Indonesia should consider a framework/visa for these to be able to live legally, pay taxes, etc.(6/7)
The current system where it is officially illegal, but unofficially tolerated until someone runs afoul with social media, does not benefit anyone other than a handful of agents and officials. (7/7)
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