What advocacy means to me, a thread.

'Nurses are allowed to be political activists.' -- @SocialistHB

Reluctantly, but inspired by these words, I want to make the case that NHS staff, including nurses, have a duty to report what is happening in NHS hospitals right now.

I'm a mental health therapist, trained in the US. At @AdlerUniversity my teachers and mentors instilled in me the importance of social justice.

This includes responsibility, advocacy, and action.

My code of ethics guides me that advocacy is part of my role as a counsellor, as a healthcare professional.

I care for my clients through therapy. Just as important is that I care for my clients by being an advocate for them and helping them advocate for themselves.

Part of this advocacy is recognising systematic issues and having the courage to speak out about it.

I'm politically active because I want to change the society we live in. I want to do my best to ensure that I'm preventing mental distress and promoting wellbeing.

Being a political advocate doesn't just mean campaigning for fair pay and protecting those I work with.

It doesn't just mean voting.

It also means protecting people by revealing the truth.

There is a large part of society who still don't understand what is happening right now and how dangerous COVID-19 is.

The government isn't helping. They conceal and obfuscate the truth to protect themselves.

They don't want people to know how badly they have messed up.

People still think hospitals are empty, that the pandemic is being exaggerated, it's not that bad, it won't affect me, this is basically what happens with flu every year, the lockdown rules are over the top, and on and on and on.

People are still breaking lockdown rules because they think this isn't that bad.

NHS staff, do you think this isn't that bad?

Do you think that this is just the same as flu season?

You have a duty to care, as I have a duty to care.

Part of that duty is speaking the truth.

If you could prevent one death by warning people and telling people how bad this really is, wouldn't you do it?

You are protected. Whistleblowers are protected.

You can be protected by anonymity.

Journalists would protect you.

Do you know who isn't protected?

People who don't know the truth.

People who believe lies. People who believe this government and say 'no one could have handled this any better.'

Who else? The elderly, the vulnerable, people who are more likely to die from COVID-19. People like my Dad who died, days away from receiving his vaccination.

Who also is at risk? You. Your colleagues. Your families.


By not speaking out, you are failing to protect so many people. You are failing to care for yourself, for your colleagues, and those who you care for in hospitals across the country.

I understand this is difficult. You're exhausted. You worry for your job, you worry about consequences.

Please, I implore you, to be a political advocate and truly fulfill your duty to protect.

For anyone reading this and who wants to talk and speak out, know that you are not alone in this fight.

To anyone working in North Cumbria, I can connect you to people who will protect you and let you speak out and have your say.


Anyone not in North Cumbria, I'm still here. DMs open.

If anyone wants to link me to Twitter accounts who are speaking out, please do so. I will spread the message and ask others to do so.

Finally, NHS staff, as always, thank you for all you do. Please consider what I've said. Please consider doing that little bit more.

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