Having spoken to women around Germany, it's my distinct impression that casting #prostitution as a job, does not only not achieve respect for people in the trade as "service providers", but casts any woman in a service position (waitress, nurse) as potentially sexually accessible
This is most obvious with masseuses who in many places around the world are so chronically mistaken for being in #prostitution, that conflict de-escalation and self-defense is part of their professional training. Men who use the sex trade have violent potential and we all know it
Nurses are the next common example: They face chronic sexual harassment by male patients, who don't see why if they can be washed in the nude, there might not also be a handjob in it? And if #prostitution is just a service, then this isn't sexual harassment, but a business offer.
Followed by hostessing jobs at fairs which may sometimes openly include highly sexualized clothing already suggesting to all parties involved that there could be more had than a helpful friendly chat and a smile. Being asked to come to a hotel room later is completely normalized.
I remember distinctly a waitress telling me how she never eats before she goes to work because she is terrified of being seen as "fat". So, technically she can't be touched, but following fuckability rules follows women around. I'm sure this is not unique, but it is all connected
If I am used to being able to just point my finger at a woman and have her be accessible to me, how wouldn't that behavior not extend to any woman in a service position, who is forced to be nice to me, no matter what a dick I am? That's sex buyers for you. https://dieunsichtbarenmaenner.wordpress.com/category/objectification/
I am not even gonna get started on landlords. Most young women I know looking to rent a room or flat have encountered offers of low or no rent in exchange for access to our bodies. Completely. blatant. offers. of "sex" for shelter. This, too, is #prostitution.
I am sure that there are so many more examples. Anyone who'd like to add, please do. If men think they can treat some of us as commodities, potentially anyone of us will be seen and treated as such, and legal #sexbuying is that process on steroids.
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