Thread re: where IL residents died in 2020

🚩Alarming increase in deaths at home
👀 LTCF resident deaths occurring at LTCF comparable to other years
🤔Non-C19 hospital deaths are "low"-ish
😢"Other" increase may reflect homicide/accident deaths increase
It's ironic, to say the least, that in the year of "Stay Home, Stay Lives," we had such a dramatic increase in deaths at home.

Choices to die at home vs at LTCFs or in hospice could account for some of the increase, but not an 8,000+ increase.
It's more likely that deaths at home include drug overdoses, suicides, and older folks who were scared of going to the hospital

As @Dierenbach, it's unlikely that the C19 800+ deaths are home were really caused by C19, as folks were encouraged to go to hospitals for C19 symptoms
Here's the other big data point. No massive increase in LTCF resident deaths occurring AT the LTCFs.

IDPH says almost 9,000 LTCF residents have died with/from COVID, which implies 6,000 of those deaths occurred at hospitals.

That's interesting. Know why?
The few studies I've seen on LTCF deaths suggest that in any given year, 70%-80% of LTCF residents die at the facilities, and 20%-30% at hospitals.

Seems this stat was "flipped" in Illinois this yr w/LTCF COVID deaths
Let's pretend ~6,000 LTCF residents died with/from COVID at hospitals. Fair to say a whole lotta those folks may have died this year anyway, if we add that number to the 29,000 non-C19 hospital deaths.
These data are available for 2020 & prior years by state and age group. I haven't looked at it closely yet, but will soon

For now, it seems that "where" people died tells a very interesting story about how/from what people died in 2020.

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