I wanna tweet my take on how I determine which subs are worth my time.
There's 3 ways.
Keep reading below
1) my owned subs for example devote themselves entirely to me as much as their vanilla lives and budgets will allow, so in return, (not before devotion) I spend alot of my time here with them online and in Real time. We talk daily and have a vanilla bond.
2) the trusted regulars
This level of clientele comes and goes, small talk usually takes place- checks in general well being. And of course sessions and drains or one-off tributes and worships happen, but no real devotion from either party. The care level is there but minimal
3) the session subs
This clientele for Me is strictly wham bam thank u ma'am. Book-Pay-Session complete.
This is the group I spend the least amount of time on, seeing as it's not my all-time fav, but they hold a place in my empire. No strings, no relationship- just pay and play
Of course nothing happens BEFORE payment with session subs

Nothing happens before payment eith regulars unless its routine check ins or small talk

With owned subs, they are on a long term budget for Me so interaction is constant
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