might be controversial but here's my take on what's wonky on corpsetwt & how to help make the space feel better for everyone!!!

i don't like drama much and i want my acc to be a safe space so i'm only saying this list once

ily all and it's breaking mihart to see moots leave </3
also another side note i am in no way exonerating myself from doing any of these things, i think we can all try to be better and be kinder to each other <3

it's not my intention to offend anybody with this thread,, i tried my best to word it well but i might've made mistakes!
1. if someone isn't hurting anyone else, then let them do as they wish on bird app (as long as its lEgal), please stop gatekeeping what other can/cannot do on their own accounts (+ below)

2. try not to come off as boasty and exclusive on the tl about notices or gcs or whatever +
+ i don't mean don't get excited (cause it is very ok to be excited and share it!!!!) just like,,, don't make others feel like less when u do

but also be happy for others when they get a notice or are having fun with friends, it's not a competition and it's really nice to +
+ see a moot get noticed bc i know they made corpse smile, which i'm pretty sure is why we're ALL HERE. TO FUCK AROUND AND MAKE HIM HAPPY.

3. if you need a break, maybe consider logging off/deleting the app before deactivating fully (unless deactivating is what u need)
4. why are ppl getting mad at other for tagging corpse in selfies and/or other posts in general??? as long as he's ok with it, i don't really see a problem,, if u wanna show corpse something then you should 100% be allowed to without others telling u that you're in the wrong
5. listen. LISTEN. to people when they express that they feel hurt but also L I S T E N to the apology, it's obviously circumstantial but i don't really get why one mistake that someone has acknowledge and (hopefully) learned from get them cancelled immediately? like if someone +
+ has repeatedly fucked up and hasnt shown that theyve changed, it makes sense to unfollow or block & whatnot but for a community so against cancel culture, we really are quick to decimate people.... give second chances ig (u obviously don't have to & it depends on what happened)
6. not sure if the minors/adults thing is still relevant but it's pretty simple: we're all here to have FUN on bird app and as long as everyone is acting appropriately with each other there shouldn't be the need for such a divide. if you don't feel comfy then don't interact +
+ but that being said it is literally ILLEGAL for minors to post nsfw pictures and can get all parties involved into a lot of trouble!!!! so just don't do that 👍

7. speaking of nsfw content, we stan a man who has explicit songs that mention a lot of sexual stuff +

8. however, with people being allowed to do what they want on bird app (bc no one should be dictating what others post), it is really considerate to put tw/cw on your posts!!! +
+ it only takes a few seconds and i think would ease a lot of the tensions going on,,, idk if it sounds stupid but maybe we could make up a separate cw for nsfw pics on corpsetwt? like cnsfw or something so that if its pictures specifically that make people uncomfy they can mute?
9. back on the topic of pictures not sure if it's still relevant but i remember people being upset about how you're only hyped up if you have a certain aesthetic on here, which is sadly pretty much true!!! the alt aesthetic gets hyped a ton (i think) for 2 reasons: +
+ a) the people posting alt pics seem to put a lot of effort into their looks and the photos turn out bomb and b) we literally stan a man with a song called E-GIRLS ARE RUINING MY LIFE!

everyone definitely has a place here on corpsetwt & if i see your photos on the tl i will +
+ try my best to hype everyone up but the fact that more attention goes toward alt pics is inevitable..

10. i'm not going to speak too much on this one bc i don't think i'm the most qualified but if you have a platform definitely use ur voice to speak out against injustices +
+ that matter to you!!! bird app is a great way of spreading info and staying in the loop but it's ridiculous to tell others that they can't tweet about other things or get mad at people for not tweeting about a certain issue. some people literally cant due to visas and whatnot +
+ and some people might just not be online and that is OK. people need breaks sometimes and it should be very valid. i totally understand not live-tweeting or trending hashtags but there shouldn't be so much controversy over integrating some normal tweets with activist tweets. +
+ if you're looking for specific information or updates on something that is happening, go under the hashtag or use the search feature, the tl is not always the best place to get your info!!!!

11. while on the topic of activism i've gotta say that what i see circulating on +
+ corpsetwt is very america-centric, i'm not saying that the issues aren't super important but not everyone lives in america and injustices happen elsewhere too!!! +
+ if you're getting upset with people for not talking about your country's issues but you are silent when they ask for help, then i think it might be time to re-evaluate.
12. big accounts and small accounts??? i'm not gonna lie when you follow over 1000 people your tl is a MESS and it is physically impossible to interact with everyone, but if you're a small account feeling left out then don't be afraid to reach out!!! i'm sure that everyone +
+ can agree that they want friends on bird app but it can kinda be hard to find people with similar interests. try interacting with other accounts or make a tweet asking for moots!!! people are always happy to like/rt if you seem friendly :)
13. last thing about big accounts,, no one should be put on a pedestal considering we are all here to support faceless leo deep voice man but the fact is bigger accounts usually got their following for a reason (being nice, funny memes, etc) and are generally more well known in +
+ the fandom because they've been here longer or make banger tweets,,, it's just a fact of life that some people are more intimidating than others but that DOESNT MEAN we should hold anybody to a different standard than anyone else, big or small. hold EVERYONE accountable.
in summary i think we just need to be kinder to one another, mind our own business, and if u have a problem with someone either bring it up with them privately or mute/block (unless what they're doing is harmful and people should be aware)! that's it for now love you all <3
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