The last month has been extremely frustrating. Being right on policy doesn’t mean much if you don’t know (or do) the basic things it would take to get that policy enacted or gain the advantages that allow you to move towards those policies.
There have been 3 large (and preventable) failures in the past month within the progressive left that I want to highlight as examples of my frustration. Because it is clear to me, that the progressive left has very little in the way of competition to online and offline leadership
1. “ForceTheVote” strategy- this was a preventable blunder that was never taken seriously by anyone in the #squad because it would not work (practically or strategically) - having a plan to stop pelosi from becoming speaker would have had to be done 2 years ago not with 3 weeks
Pelosi had already agreed to be speaker under the condition that she retires after this term. Knowing this the best play was to get concessions from her that would benefit top progressive policies: (this is what they got). The #squad was then vilified for doing the smart play
This was the equivalent to an own goal as “bad actors” like Dore and others labeled the #squad traitors and used this incident of misunderstanding by the online left to fracture the progressive movement. The main goal it turns out was a civil war with the Dem party, not M4All
2. Mass hysteria over a basic “motion to proceed”

This one was just maddening to me. The senate did a basic move that happens all the time, that Dems had no way of blocking, but all of a sudden articles were written about how Dems had cost all of us the $2k stimulus check
This was never true, it was a complete misunderstanding of basic procedural rules in the senate and it made left media look like amature hour. It also completely screwed up all pressure to force Dems to back Sanders filibuster because left media cried “wolf” 1 day in advance
3. Progressives bungling of Florida democratic chair

The FDP election for chair should have been a top priority for progressives (not to get a progressive leader) but to rewrite the bylaws to remove weighted votes and give progressives long term power.
Currently south Florida controls the entire FDP and has ever since the rules were changed to give them extra power. After south Florida’s massive failure this last election it was clear progressives had an opportunity to take over. The only problem is they got in their own way
There were 3 candidates running (Barnes, Janelle, Diaz). Instead of choosing one and consolidating everyone around that candidate they pushed Ione Townsend into the race. And the entire “Bernie”/progressive caucuses (storm the castle movement) backed her.
There was just one problem. Townsend had a major issue on race. And she was hated by the other candidates. She had hindered Kathy Lewis in her race for state senate, and had multiple blunders on camera including calling a black man “articulate”. She had at max a 35% ceiling.
Instead of understanding this limitation and finding a solution they decided that splitting the vote and playing for a second round of voting was the best option (it wasn’t). Because of townsends past it pushed votes to Diaz that put him over the 50% mark. Thereby losing the seat
Progressives should have had at a minimum (changes to the rules that would benefit them for years) and instead they walked away with nothing.

It’s clear to me that until progressives start understanding how to play the game of gaining and keeping power, they will always lose.
These 3 instances are all different but all point to the same thing. Progressives need people who are ruthless bulldogs, who know the rules, have experience and can win/take power or else they will continue to not be taken seriously, get pushed around/taken advantage of.
And this is my frustration. Until this happens we will not see progress towards M4All or a large movement. Thankfully the #squad is learning how to play the game of politics at an unbelievably fast pace. So I’m hopeful for the future, but the online left needs to catch up quickly
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