Only 9% think rules are too strict in current conditions; yet 7% believe the entire Covid pandemic is "invented". Scarcity of lockdown sceptics who are not conspiracists & cranks (since new strain) may explain why those who deny there is a pandemic dominate in the sceptic market
7% of crank conspiracists is more "stable" than policy views (adjust to cases, curve, deaths, advice). What seems to happen with Lockdown 3 is this segment of crazy people was half of Lockdown Opponents (7% in 14%) but now about three-quarters of them (7% in 9%).
Deepens how "Lockdown Sceptics" have big reputation (partly crazy conspiracists; partly flawed predictions & analysis of more mainstream voices)

But the moment for mainstream sceptics may come this Spring. Maybe only supporters of lockdown 1 & 3 will be credible future sceptics
Not just yet, but for the post-Easter debate, perhaps we should put out a public call to find some new "Lockdown Sceptics" who are actually Sceptics.

Previous applicants need not apply
Maybe you don't *have* to be crazy to oppose lockdown 3 (or indeed phase 1) but (empiricallly) it certainly seems to help.
If you get Lockdown Scepticism (relax rules faster than current policy) to 25-30%, the Denial/Conspiracy component becomes a quarter of opponents, not three-quarters as now.

At that point, expect a rational mainstream scepticism (primarily of reluctant supporters of L1 and L3)
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