THREAD: As a resident of Washington DC, I decided to photograph what life is currently like where I live. Disclaimer: I'm no journalist, just a citizen with a camera and a love of photography. The watermark is my IG handle.

First post recapping my Saturday - January 16th, 2021
After the insurrection, security in DC has increased significantly. There are secret service checkpoints (with metal detectors) along with police barricades on what once were busy downtown streets.
There are even vehicle check points. For those that aren't in DC: nothing other than the buildings are here on a regular day
This is K St. One of the busiest roads in downtown DC. So many roads are closed that a woman was able to walk her dog in the middle of the street.

I really like this pic because it captures the additional security in the city without showing the depressing side of it all
Residents of DC going about their normal day while the city turns into a fortress
Speaking of things turning into a fortress, this is a close up of one of the checkpoints along with the list of prohibited items. The white spot below the green light says "secret service"
This is one of my favorite series of shots I took. People riding bikes right through the barricades
Now time for all the more unsettling photos I took. Photographing the National Guard was a weird experience. Half looked like they wanted to brutalized me, half posed for my shots.
Unsettling photos continued....note this person wasn't waving, it was just a well timed shot of him shutting the door. The doggo in the 2nd pic was searching every vehicle that came through the checkpoint, including MPD
Unsettling continued...FBI police are a thing? I haven't seen an FBI squad car in my entire time living here.
Fences put up around the houseless and dystopian capitalism
It was common to see large racks of fence around the city. As I was biking around, more and more fences were being put up, which made the streets a bit hard to navigate.
Second to last post. Barricades and fences as far as the eye can see.
END OF THREAD: All the pictures in this were taken within a mile or so of the White House/US Capitol building.

I'll let these last pictures speak for themselves. Stay safe comrades

#DC #WashingtonDC #CapitolRiots #DCProtests #Inauguration
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