My comment on ADHD had one interesting reply.

Essentially, how can "simply better breathing" cause a reduction/elimination of symptoms.

I've made it perfectly clear that fixing and normalizing your breathing pattern is nothing sort of amazing but also complicated.

First of all, the trickle down effect of tissue hypoxia is so vast, it's practically impossible to pin down the systemic damage that's occurring.

So when you do finally take care of that, the upstream metabolic changes are equally potent and complex.
Now, when we hear "breathing" we tend to think about our respiratory system without acknowledging that cell respiration is the foundation of our physiology.

"Breathwork helps me relax".

My radical viewpoint is that serious breathwork will work on a biochemical level.
What about exercise, nutrition, etc?

This is where it gets complicated... but not really. You have to look at the body as an anti-entropic system. Constant, dynamic shifts are occurring to maintain homeostasis.

So, here it is:
In order to normalize your breathing, you have to take care of nutrition.

Normalizing your breathing will help you heal your gut.

Healing your gut will make you crave exercise.

Exercise you will help you normalize your breathing.

Nothing is possible without the other.
People get stuck in their practice for months until they increase their magnesium intake.

People start craving exercise from doing breathwork.

People improve their posture by exercise.

You get the point.

You simply CANNOT look at these things in a vacuum.
I'm trying to find ways to help you reach a certain level of health with minimal effort.

But when I say normalizing you breathing pattern is difficult, I mean achieving the standard Dr. Buteyko set of us.

That requires to take care of the above (+ deep work).
So, it's simply better breathing. Simple. Not easy.
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