. @ErinOToole is swinging wildly defending himself vs. accusations of courting far-right & mimicking Trumpism until now. He's seen his have-your-cake-and-eat-it-too strategy claiming to be progressive & also "True Blue" is nonsensical to anyone who can Google search his record. /1
Whether it was "Take Canada Back" #CPCldr slogan along w/ "True Blue" (which was meant to slander Progressives like @PeterMacKay for not being conservative enough) - both of them had bad records of not being progressive under Harper, but they needed right-wing to win ldrship. /2
. @ErinOToole spent months fighting to win votes from @LeslynLewis & @DerekSloanCPC's camp in order to back him on 2nd ballot to win #CPCldr. Both had Trump-ish platforms & had freedom to be openly socially conservative. He gave those #CPC voters hope he'd be as right-wing. /3
. @ErinOToole thinks we have forgotten, but checking the Take Canada Back trend will take you back to all of the times he was NOT moving #CPC in a more centre direction, but rather more far right-wing. Many articles confirm he's winking at those ideas. #Cdnpoli #TakeCanadaBack /4
His predecessor @AndrewScheer made his parting ask of Conservatives to live in echo chamber of right-wing news ignoring facts, stoking anger & recycling Trump's ideas as if they were new. Don't let 1/2 of Cdns with conservative beliefs (good ppl!) live in an alternate reality. /5
Just a reminder that if someone is being as desperately defensive as @ErinOToole is being right now — it’s because it’s obvious to many, many people (long list of public proof-points) that he’s got a LONG way to come back from him being assumed to be Trump-lite. #cdnpoli /6
Harper instituted all of this when he hired Republican strategists to advise his 2011 election campaign that gave him a majority. The unapologetic far-right Americanization of #cdnpoli & policy ideas once in gov’t is coming from 1 side: #CPC. /7
. @ErinOToole, you spent so long and worked so hard seeking to be a believable, hard-core conservative that could follow in the Republican anti-establishment, right-wing politics footsteps. You won! You did it! You deserve the credit for all that work. Don’t 180 on us now. 🙄 /8
We always knew you’d turn to Canadians to lie and pretend you were something you weren’t, @erinotoole. It’s the same thing you did to Conservatives to pretend you were hardcore right-wing.

You’re a chameleon, but you’ve been caught. And #cdnpoli won’t believe you ever again. /9
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