No other country in the world platforms Neo Nazis quite like Australian media. Now they're on their way to the US to apply it to an expanding white nationalist terror movement

Had to write a new post. There are no more chances left. This is life or death
White supremacists and Neo Nazis abuse the assumed rules of debate, honesty and interviews. Featuring them without experts on extremism and their movements, or thinking that tough questions will 'expose' them badly misunderstands how they operate.
It blows my mind that this still isn't widely known, but it was one of these faux 'debates' featuring an Australian white supremacist figure that drew the congratulations and comments of the Christchurch terrorist. Could this be any more direct an impact?
Rumours flew around that the person that sent this stunning message to @socialistdogmom was the same crew that interviewed Steve Bannon. That was later confirmed, and really, no one was surprised.
I am just re-hashing and repeating a collection of things that I, and many many other people, have been saying for years now: white supremacists are immune to your Very Serious Questions, and a lot of people are at risk when you fail to recognise that.
I ***do not want*** to be writing about this. I have a climate crisis to bloody worry about it, and you know what? I'm actually good at worrying about it.

So please, when you see one of us raising this, help elevate this concern and let us live actual lives.
For the literal-minded concern trolling , yes, this group is comprised of a mix of white supremacists, white nationalists, racists, race-baiters and general all-round xenophobes.
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