It is hard to grapple with the fact that every single video of the Jan 6th insurrection has someone claiming their acts in the name of Christ.

I know wonderful and lovely Christians, who I care about and I know care about me, who would never do such a thing.

And yet….

It is hard to not be afraid of the Christians in this country.
It is hard to not be frustrated when my holidays are vacation days, and Christian holidays are federal holidays.
It is hard to not be angry when Christians say, “they’re not real Christians.”

Let me be clear, I know that most Christians in the US are not like the violent, antisemitic, racist people who stormed the capital.

I had a lovely Christian colleague text me in the last 30 minutes to check if I was ok after a recent zoombombing of a Jewish event.

I know that many of you are preaching kindness, love, and responsibility in your churches.

I know that you are as horrified as I am.

And yet, I am still afraid.

I want you to fix it.
I want you to take responsibility.
I don’t want to have fear of my neighbor.

I know that we cannot and should not group all Christians into a box, just as we would not group all Jews, Muslims, etc.

And yet, every synagogue and mosque is on high alert this week. Are your churches afraid of violence?

That is worthy of reflection.

Addendum 1:

I am trying to share vulnerability and not blame.
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