While the blue ticks circle the wagons to protect a journalist who claimed that Brexit and Corbyn gave him a heart attack, it’s notable that when someone from outside that bubble asserts their right to life via legacy media they get shouted down.
I’m glad Rafael Behr has recovered, but I think things he wrote in that piece were disgraceful. Saying this is entirely legitimate, and is not less so because Behr’s friends wish New Socialist would just go away.
The reality is that many of these people have (bring charitable, inadvertently) colluded in countless deaths and health scares by helping to crush Corbynism. Clutching your pearls at a few hundred angry Twitter users won’t change that.
The way the ire of the digital new left is received says much about the self-image of contemporary liberalism. A more honest liberal once welcomed the hatred of his political opponents. Contemporary liberals sided with the forces of reaction and can’t bear this being pointed out.
Tragically, there are probably Jewish people who were genuinely terrified of Jeremy Corbyn. Perhaps more could have been done to reassure them, but let's be real- liberal media has been entirely complicit in frightening the life out of these people.
And to say that not all of those involved in creating this sense of panic did so for honourable reasons would be putting it very mildly indeed.
Ultimately, the liberals, centrists et al had a choice- get behind a left-led Labour or accept Johnsonism. They chose the latter. That was their right. But when you make that choice, you forfeit the right to call yourself a progressive. They want to have their cake and eat it.
And such is their fragility that they can't handle this being said even by an independent left journal that they love to dismiss and say "No one reads it".
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