The monogatari toothbrush scene (my thoughts reposted)

As we all know the toothbrush scene is one of the most criticized and talked about moments in the nisemonogatari. The fact is that while everyone thinks it is simply fanservice the toothbrush scene actually explores far
more than you think. As we all know NISIOISN is quite well known for taking punches throughout his work at otaku culture or criticizing otaku culture in hyperbole and ironic way. What the interaction is supposed to mean In reality it is a criticism on the gross fetishization
of teenage female characters by otaku. This joke or criticism uses Araragi and his sister as a template to act this out. It's also a general joke about the weird fetishes Japanese otakus seen to have all over the internet. I mean we have all seen weird 18+ doujins come by
right? This clip really said a lot for me. It's fine if it didn’t for you but for me it did. I thought it was a criticization of waifs fetish culture in a clever joke. I thought it was very cool and interesting.
I'll rip the rest of mono apart throughout my rewatch cause there are far more moments like this where NISIOISN criticizes otaku culture throughout his narrative
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