Lord Sumption’s words are what the big platform lockdown sceptics have aligned with all through this crisis. He just said it out loud on Tv. Others like Kenny have been saying it for ages. They are denialists, whatever they say. Ask any for an alternative solution, silence.
They look for confirmation bias from “alternative science” dismiss real life experience of vulnerable people, pressure the government ensuring measures are implemented way too late, and for far longer. They attract every crank, anti masker, Covid denier whoever, without challenge
They preach “mental health” and “poor people” yet never cared a jot before. They dismiss any challenge as bots, 77th, trolls, etc, yet whine about not being allowed free speech.
Even now, with hospitals overwhelmed with Covid patients, they pretend Heathcare is restricted by
Lockdown,rather than the reality of high societal infection rates.
These people are not stupid,they cannot believe this.
Not once will you see them even ask their massive followings to as much repeat the message of
Distance, wash hands, wear a mask,basic stuff.
They are Sumption
Anyway, rant over. Just having a cross moment in, on a personal front, not a bad day.
As you were.
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