Recently returned from a 3 month stay with my parents. Two things of note: 1) I deep-cleaned their house and 2) I wasn't very immersed in Potter.

So imagine my surprise when I got home to my Potter display, my Potter-themed bed and all I saw was... stuff. Taking up space.
I'd spent years collecting merch, selecting what got displayed and creating the Potter space I had dreamed of since I was young.

But that was part of what signaled a change. Young me would've been ecstatic. Heck, I was ecstatic when I completed this all a year ago. And now...
The way I saw it, I had two options: commit harder to the sunken cost, hoping that doing so would somehow rekindle the spark, OR take the much harder route...

So. Today I'm doing something I never thought I'd be compelled to do with Potter. I'm filtering. Hard.
It's drastic for a Potter fan like me. But I feel this is what will best help revise my new relationship with the franchise.

This isn't meant to be a "come and get it!" call out (if I have items I sell, I'll let y'all know). More of a "woah... can't believe I'm doing this."
Woof. Nothing says “party’s over” quite like... 😕
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