I don't understand why people spend so much time trying to bully others in to believing the same things that they do.

A better approach is attempting to teach, but being humble and kind.

I can practically guarantee nobody goes vegan because they're being yelled at. 🤦🏽‍♂️
Why do I say this? Because I've been involved with outreach efforts for 21 years. And you know what I've found? Connecting with people and inspiring them makes a difference. Hurting them and belittling them makes them resent not just you, but your message and its movement, too.
Yet day in and day out I see keyboard warrior pseudoactivism. Where people think if they just are aggressive and insulting enough they can win.

But really what are they winning? Driving away not just the person in question but those watching, too?

That's doesn't help animals.
What attacking Internet strangers in the name of a cause does help is to maintain a false sense of superiority over others. To feed these fragile egos.

But we aren't in this for our egos are we? I know I'm not.

Further, I know our animal friends don't care if your ego is hurt.
They care if their lives are upended, brutalized, and terminated. And we ought to be spreading awareness for them, not for us.

We give voices to the voiceless because they need our help, not to help feed our own egos.

So please take a moment to remember why you started. 💚
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