So this whole “Bali” convo on my TL regarding the two young Black ladies who moved there to escape the US has me thinking a few things (if you don’t know details of the story please exercise the Twitter search option to research on your own because Im not providing details here)
Lol no shade no tea I just know many of y’all aren’t following Black twitter so if you want the scoop yall should follow more Black people on here instead of asking for cliff notes on convos relevant to us. (Respectfully with lots of love)
But anyway so RE: Black in Bali during a pandemic that was allowed to spread like wildlife because White Americans decided to use a communicable disease as a weapon of war to hopefully deter Black and Brown citizens from participating in democracy here in their homeland
So here’s my thing, yes colonization is wrong but for those of you looking to equate these two young women to that of rich yt Mutherfuckers with private jets testing positive for Covid and evading the states to avoid quarantine—-let me ask u this———
What happens when Black Americans are considered “refugees of civil war” because that’s exactly what almost happened on January 6th and it’s bound to happen again because White America is too pussy to stand up to domestic terrorists
Black Americans watched what happened on January 6th and MANY of us have been having conversations about denouncing our citizenship to this country this isn’t hyperbole the White American led media just would rather talk to Domestic Terrorists than Black citizens
But yes, there is a very underground movement happening within many Black circles regarding where Black Americans can go to finally leave this American Hell behind because we are tired of begging for White America to see us as full human beings.
Still, with knowledge at hand we know that Anti Blackness is global and not unique to the US however the US has a specific more sinister brand of Anti Black racism that out trumps many other countries with large populations of European descent.
Folks have been telling me to leave the US since I graduated college, I just interviewed for a company based out of the UK, there are entire blogs dedicated to Black folks becoming ex pats and let me tell you they are extremely popular—
Folks also asked me “well Sydney why don’t you want to leave the US because they treat Black Americans so much better across the globe” lol do they really? Because from the looks of yalls reactions to that Bali story that seems to be far from the truth—-
My thing is that no matter where we go in this world the stench of White American violence and mediocrity will ultimately be tied to and applied to us although everything yall love about America was created by Black people
American culture is Black culture—-what yall saw on January 6th was White Americas response to that fact and our growing power as voters.
The fact of the matter is that Black Americans are faced with some really shitty ass choices moving into a post insurrection/pandemic future in this country and many of us are being told to give up on the United States.
Our parents are tired our grandparents are tired and White America keeps piling on beating us into the ground. Police died at the Capitol yet the same week we’re hearing stories of a Black pastor who was gunned down by police after having a mental health emergency
We’re dying from Covid at insurmountable rates and White Americans are hoarding vaccines and resources from us by jumping the line and causing delays with protests at the state level.
We’re dying in child birth at disgustingly high rates and discovering that half of the folks who stormed the Capitol were indeed “medical professionals” Black Americans are surrounded by the enemy and we have been for 400 years
Our grandparents had hope, that was murdered on the balcony of a room at the Lorraine Hotel in Memphis TN April 4th 1968
Our parents had hope until January 20th 1981. That hope was subsequently poisoned by chemical warfare inflicted on our community by a well funded government Terrorist plot. White Americans cannot be surprised to discover that Black folks actually don’t love this place
Many of us truly don’t love the US or feel welcomed here. The US flag is a symbol of White Supremacist terrorism/indoctrination and many of us know to avoid homes flying American flags because we know what time it is—-
The media has now been covering this Domestic Terrorist plot for over 10 days now, White people are desperately trying to understand “why these people would do such a thing” in a typical gaslighting manner. Black American joy is being suppressed yet again—
So I say this to say that I appreciate the “sorrys” from well meaning yt folks but Sorry isn’t enough and the damage is done. Black Americans are trying to salvage this place because we have no where else really to go—-
Once Black Americans are able to successfully navigate emigration efforts without exploiting folks on the lands in which we are emigrating to—-there will be an exodus—-Black America is done saving this countries ass time and time again.
So to them sistas out is Bali my heart is with them. I hope that they refrain from acts of exploitation and truly become new in a place that sees them as full human beings. I wish this for every Black American trapped on these shores.
We built this country and we can rebuild elsewhere with non exploitation in mind because we have been exploited here for so long.
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