I understand most wont read this, I haven't got a huge following nor a blue tick! 💁‍♀️

Globally there are millions of people who need help RIGHT NOW for all sorts of horrific problems they and their families are suffering.
They're not in a position to wait for a cause or someone on social media to back them they're literally in life or death situations, real human beings such as you and I, it could be any one of us at any time.
So as socialists we may hear of an individual or a group of people or a nation of people who need urgent help and support, then we try to pitch in because maybe it's an issue we relate to or we have knowledge of along with the ability to physically or emotionally assist and
that's a brilliant thing to do.
But as I said there are literally millions of these causes so it's incredibly important not to attack each other because we're not all fighting the same 'individual' cause, because in actual fact, that would be impossible.
And here's where projects like Jeremy Corbyn's Peace and Justice campaign comes into all our focus, it's something we can all take part in on a massive scale. @jeremycorbyn said this afternoon he's been fighting for peace and justice globally all his life, showing how
you dont have to be prime minister, leader of any political party, anyone of notoriety nor even have a huge following on social media to really care and take action in support of the millions who genuinely need you.
My point being:- fight your personal causes while as socialists fight the greater global cause together as one, to create a better world for all of us but never never fight each other.
And remember the words of Gandhi "good always wins over evil in the end".
If you've read this far thank you.
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