1. As somebody who did door-to-door for 4 years I am very keen on being able to immediately assess personality and genuineness. Current dissenters of ADOS all have very similar personality traits. There is a bevvy of toxic male ego. Misogyny n homophobia. God complexes...
2. And an inability to compartmentalize what is most important above one's own character flaws, personal beliefs and ideologies. Many of the black intellectual spaces such as NOI, Moors, current Pan-Africanist ideals, Hebrew Israelites all of which I subscribed to in some fashion
3. All are led by or express heavy toxic male egotism that is falsely defined by what is considered "alpha" and is not SECURELY grounded in fact but half truths with NO EFFECTIVE PLANS but just meant to lead to circular conversations to nowhere. Grifter philosophies.
4. And what happens is that when people come into ADOS they try to carry all of that baggage in with them that eventually overshadows what we are actually fighting for.
5. Then you do what Malcolm or Stokely did and GO START YOUR OWN movement with your own original ideas based on your own thinking from your own intellectual work. Anything else is a rebranding of something that is already established.
6. Whatever contributions you made within alignment with the ideals of the movement stays with the movement. Malcolm did not rebrand a old thing he started his very own new movement based on new ideas and he left the things that could get in the way "at home or in the closet"
7. And let's be clear any and all dissenters of ADOS ain't nothing close to Malcolm. If we fail to learn from the mistakes of our ancestors we are sure to repeat them and at a time like this, that means GAMEOVER.
8. And just to be clear this is NOT a call for all so called reparations groups to work together who have disagreements with our leadership in ADOS.This is a call for people to go do their thing in peace and not negatively impact reparations in the process.
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