(Thread) I get so excited when I come across a verse where a famous Persian poet references/praise another famous Persian poet.

I’m going to quote some of my favorite instances of that in this thread below.

(I will continue to add to it every now and then).
Saadi Shirazi (d. 1291) in praise of Ferdowsi Tusi (d. 1020)

چه خوش گفت فردوسی پاک زاد
که رحمت بر آن تربت پاک باد

‘How well it was said by the noble Ferdowsi

May God’s blessing be upon the pure soil where he is buried’
Nezami Ganjavi (d. 1209) mourning the death of Khaqani Shirvani

همی گفتم که خاقانی دریغا گوی من باشد
دریغا من شدم آخر دریغا گوی خاقانی

‘I had always said that, I want Khaqani to write my eulogy

What a pity, that I, became the eulogist of Khaqani’
Roudaki (d. 941) mourning the death of the poet and philosopher, Shahid Balkhi:

از شمار دو چشم یک تن کم
وز شمار خرد هزاران بیش

‘If we were to count the number of eyes, there are two less today

And if we were to count the amount of knowledge? (that was lost today) Thousands’
Rumi (d. 1273) in praise of Shams Tabrizi (d. 1248)

ز فراق شمس دین افتاده‌ام در تنگنا
او مسیح روزگار و درد چشمم بی‌دوا

‘After the departure of Shams, I have fallen into hardship

He was the Messiah of our time and the pain in my eyes has no cure’
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