A whole lot of people hate Capitalism until the idea of raising the minimum wage comes up.

Suddenly it's a bunch of wannabe millionaires theorycrafting about $33 Big Macs.
When you say that raising the minimum wage will increase food prices astronomically, your admitting that shareholders will inflate the price so they can continue to make billions.

Maybe, just maybe, their wealth should decrease while the average worker raises.

Just maybe.
The other half of the answer that doesn't get discussed is a CAP on earnings by owners.

Shareholders and owners should only make X amount compared to their average employee.

It makes no sense to have such a discrepancy in these huge corporations.
Also. Like.

Do you know how GOOD your burger would be if made by folks actually being paid enough?

You know the LOVE that would be put into your food I'd they didn't feel like their soul was being sucked out with each second?

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