For the people who hated Run Hude Fight on the basis of “nudity, violence, and strong language” the disconnect from the world is unreal. Spoiler Alert: these things - and worse - can and do happen to regular people like those seen in the film, and denying it is foolish. (1/6)
The purpose of the film is not to show a perfect world, but to show a realistic world where you have an opportunity to make virtuous decisions. This is literally how real life works. You’re only responsible for your own actions and choices. (2/6)
Moreover, if seeing gore and nudity (which there wasn’t any..? like at all?) is triggering you to the point of hysteria, you should really get some help for that. If you’re faced with the same situation irl, thoughts and prayers alone aren’t gonna save you. (3/6)
God literally wants you to fight against the world’s evil and you’re gonna need some courage for that. Grow a pair, stop complaining, and act virtuously, you schmucks. (4/6)
And stop making the entire conversation center around those three subjects. Let’s talk about whether Zoe made the right choices, whether we should rethink the schools’ response and security, whether social media influences and motivates the perpetrators... (5/6)
literally ANYTHING but nudity, violence and foul language, it’s so BORING. That was not the point of the movie, YOU’RE making it such. (6/6)
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