1. I think this will do it. I think you've finally convinced the Liberals and the Media Party to like you. I hear @rosiebarton and the CBC will now drop her lawsuit against you.

This is the seventh day in a row you have danced to their tune. Do you not have one of your own? https://twitter.com/erinotoole/status/1350823927518523393
2. This doesn't really say anything, though. It's all boilerplate. It's defensive. Does it move a single vote? Why have you been silent on the key issues of our era -- censorship, lockdowns, cancel culture, carbon taxes, UN/WHO misconduct? Because the CBC disapproves?
3. You will always be in a controversy, because you are a politician in an adversarial system. You cannot wish that away. What you can do is choose better battles -- ones where you're on the offensive and the Liberals are on the defensive. Why not try that?
4. I don't even know what you mean! When you're against Trump -- who do you mean? He's not in Canada. When you're against the "right" -- who do you mean? Whoever the Liberals the CBC tell you are off limits? Aren't you a party of the right? You are in a fetal position, begging.
5. Why not take a stand against lockdowns? Surely that would appeal to more Canadians than you connect with now. Why not talk against tech censorshi, and show Trudeau's connections to Silicon Valley's bullies? Why not stand up against cancel culture for real, not just in memes?
6. You can be for gay rights but still take a thoughtful stand against transgender extremism -- men in women's prisons; men playing in girls sports teams. You'd see a 5% pop in the polls for that alone.
7. How about taking a serious stand against his plans for mass, online censorship, and his oafish minister in charge, the convicted criminal @s_guilbeault? You'd actually get some real, earned support from media companies for that.
8. If you're intent on being anti-American, which I think it beneath you and any Conservative Party, why limit it to Trump who is gone in three days? Why not focus on Trudeau's deep connections to U.S. Democrat dirty tricksters?
9. Why not insist your critics come back from vacation, and actually work for a living by, you know, criticizing? You are silence on the largest issue of our era -- the lockdowns. Have you nothing to say about those?
10. But mainly: why don't you ignore the Media Party taunts. As in, shut off Twitter and get out of the bubble? Don't you see how you are being played like a fiddle by the Liberal war room?
11. Let me close with my quiz for Canadian political watchers. WITHOUT GOOGLING IT, can you name the Conservative critics for health, energy, environment, defence or foreign affairs? I literally have not met a single person who can -- I bet many Conservative MPs couldn't. Why?
12. Does the party not have any policy differences with Trudeau? Are critics not allowed to say anything controversial? Are they not allowed to talk at all? Are they in staycation mode? I'm guessing it's partly each of those -- and a completely partisan media culture in Ottawa.
13. If O'Toole is seeking the Media Party's permission to win, he won't get it. They won't stop calling him names either -- in fact, he's just proven he'll spend a week off-message at the slightest breeze. Expect them to do a lot more of it, now that they know how to provoke him.
14. The greatest conservative success in recent Canadian politics was Jordan Peterson. He was demonized by the Media Party (especially the CBC, including by the racist Wendy "N-word" Mesley). But he knew what he believed, so he couldn't be blown off course by some lame heckler.
15. And though he did do mainstream interviews, I know from observation that he literally did hundreds of alternative interviews. He would spend half an hour on an independent YouTube channel that would get more views that Wendy N-word Mesley, and would ask better questions too.
16. How about just turn off CBC News -- like 96.1% of Canadians have -- and be a normal human, instead of their most loyal servant?

- FIN -
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