Your daily PSA is that there is no way to grade a P.E. class that isn't inherently ableist and body shaming
"But P.E. is about the health of the students wah wah"

If it's about their health then why do you feel the need to assign a grade to it?
And kindly, as someone with asthma: P.E. has literally been a danger to my health. Forcing people into physical exercise by threatening them with a bad grade is incredibly fucked
Flashback to that time when my asthma was still undiagnosed and untreated and I literally collapsed several hundred meters from anyone who could see or help me because we were forced to run through a park during allergy season
Like maybe if you feel at ease casually making students choose between failing a class and endangering their own lives for no reason whatsoever you should take a hard look at yourself
And this isn't even talking about the myriad ways in which P.E. structurally encourages bullying, misogyny and disordered relationships to eating.

There's so much to unpack in the ritual of making 2 people choose teams alone that you could do a PhD thesis on how fucked it is.
"Ah yes, let's have these students organize their classmates in order of how physically capable they think they are, with the most fit ones being most desirable. I can't see any way that this might mess with anyone's perception of the value of an human being"
If you think P.E. should be offered in schools at all - which you might well not - just make the thing opt-in.

And if you can't be convinced of that, there is still literally no reason to grade athletic capability in an academic environment. It's not worth the problems.
Btw feel free to share your own experiences in the replies!
I know there are many other ways in which P.E. can be harmful, and my perspective as a nominally fit cis man isn't close to complete.

Other than that I have nothing to plug so... follow me I guess? Also goodnight
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